
Archive for the ‘Hate’ Category

Got married, moved to North Jersey. Hate it.

Anyone reading this know of why anyone would live here if family wasn’t here? There are NO JOBS and the people suck so much.Everyone is in a hurry 100% of the time, no one has common courtesy, no one knows how to drive, the traffic is the worst I have ever scene anywhere I mean malls are closed on Sundays to relieve the county of traffic….what the F.

Took me 5 hours round trip to get to and from a place that was 45 min away and I am not exaggerating.

I am trying not to toss myself right off a bridge, so does anyone in the Bergen County area know of places that aren’t shitty to go to? Places that have nice people and a relaxed environment? So far I only came across Mexicali Live which is mostly hippies and jam bands and I love it but I don’t want to go there every time I need to be around nice positive people.

This place really is a certain level of hell. Time to poop.

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Now and forever more

Please keep your pubes off the toilet seat.

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Knowing the truth about someone or what they are doing, and they still insist on lying to your face and yet they will turn around and tell OTHER people their business (just not the horrible stuff)…where in most cases it gets back to you anyway so they were better off being honest. I realized that if I am the person they want to hide shit from and be secretive and shady to then that means they are afraid of telling me because they know I have been right, they know I know who they really are and they think I will expose them for who they really are to their friends who they have put on this facade of sweetness for. You might be nice to your friends but eventually your true colors will start to show. You will never be sneaky enough or careful enough to cover your dirty ass tracks.

The thing is, if you are a horrible person I don’t care as long as the face you put on for me is the same face you put on for everyone else too. If you are you 100% of the time I don’t care enough to judge you or talk about you but it’s when I know you are pretending to be this person you aren’t and you are LYING, you have been hypocritical, judgmental, mean, manipulative, shady, and quite possibly a cheater and you LIE to me about it, that’s when I start to get pissed off. Thing is, I KNOW you. I know who you are, who you are with, and where you go because it’s easy to find out and/or people tell me so what I don’t understand is…why lie? Why lie to just me? Because you are afraid of something and I know what it is.

What you don’t seem to understand about me is I leave people alone. People do bad things all the time. People have reasons to do what they do and I will listen. If you want to cheat, then you have your reasons and I won’t threaten to tell your significant other because I don’t care that much to get involved nor will I tell your friends bc they don’t need to know unless YOU tell them….what would I get out of telling your significant other or your friends about that? If you want to sleep around when you are single, you can tell me about it because OTHER people do and I don’t judge them, I’d treat you no differently. It’s your life, your body, whatever the case is I just wish you’d be open and honest with me instead of lying and hiding it. If I ask you a question that you and another person know the answer to and you lie and the other person tells me the truth I lose respect for you and despise you more and more with each lie I discover. Don’t tell me “I am going to a friend’s house” when I know who the “friend” is, so just tell me the name. If you are so afraid of ME discovering what you are really up to to the point where you think I am going to tell everyone then you need to rethink your life because maybe what you are doing is pretty bad after-all and deep down I know that you know it is.

Bottom line is this; I hate being lied to. I always have. You do more harm than good in lying and if I know the truth I will keep quiet and let you do what you want to do and lend an ear to your adventures but if you lie and I know you are lying then I will discover the truth and be really angry about it to the point where maybe I WILL expose you for who you really are. It’s your choice.

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At my job, I am the ONLY person who has a position in which I am not allowed by any means (even if sick, about to shit or piss myself, or vomit) allowed to leave my position without having someone watch the area. Long story short, it’s because it’s a secure area. Anyway I am literally the ONLY person without the “piss when you want to and walk around freely” right. I always have to bring my need to go to the bathroom to someone elses attention which makes me mad because what if I DO have a sudden urge to shit my brains out? What if I DO need to ralph? I essentially am screwed if no one can get to me on time. THAT SHIT SUCKS.

I have numerous issues with this but I will focus on the whole telling someone aspect. If I take a minute, my cover knows I just went pee. If I take 5 minutes, they know I was dropping the kids off at the pool. Also, the bathroom is in my general space so I hear every time someone lets one rip loudly and when they flush so naturally if you hear more than 1 flush, my cover knows I just pinched a loaf.

I JUST had a sudden urge to shit my pants. I have NO idea where it came from but I KNEW it wasn’t going to be solid stool and I had to call someone and let them know I needed to go I only hoped that they’d hurry without me having to TELL them to and full on alert them as to the brown hurricane that was about to rattle my drawers.
Needless to say, I did 2 flushes but took less than 2 min as we all know that butt squirts aren’t exactly time consuming. That was bad enough without the person from accounting walking in while I was just walking out of the shitty smelling stall. Awesome.

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Been agitated lately. My response to everything this week:

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Shaking & Furious.

I am thoroughly disgusted with the installation of fear Governments put on their citizens. So much to the point where people are too scared to even ACKNOWLEDGE a dying 2 year old girl that’s been run over by 2 cars.  Seriously China, your laws have created a fear of intervening so heinous that people DIE because of it. If anyone has heard about the little girl in China that was run over by 2 cars if you haven’t watched the video, please DON’T. It will do something to your soul. It’s incredibly graphic too, I regret watching it as it has made me hate people MORE. One of the biggest issues I have with parents in general, doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, it’s the parents who don’t pay attention to the whereabouts of their fucking kids….You see what happens when you don’t give a shit about your kid and let them wander freely? So if you aren’t going to give a fuck about your kids, or family, and the elderly at least protect the people who WILL care about them. FUCKING PROTECT YOUR GOOD SAMARITANS YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES. I’m going to go throw up now.

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You know….I’m fuming mad. My family was born on that Island the Jersey shore cast has made into a cesspool of horseshit. I was raised up there. We have our annual summer vacations there every year and that vacation for me this year is coming in 3 weeks and what has that fucking retarded show done? They have made a mockery out of that area. They have made the beaches look like over tanned cesspools of greased up douchebags. It makes me angry because all the places I have been going to before they were even a THOUGHT on tv I feel like I don’t even want to go to anymore and it pisses me off.

I just want to be able to go into Aztec and sit in the corner on the empty ass nights that they always had but NO now it’s fucking elbow to elbow with RAUNCH. I’m livid that they will be there filming while I am there for my week vacation. Where i go it’s a private family oriented beach. Everyone knows everyone and it’s NOTHING like how they make it out to be on TV. It makes me mad because I know those places and I have been there countless times and I have never seen it like how they make it out to be they are nasty vile trash making everything look disgusting and pathetic 😦

I’m just , really angry about it. I wish they’d just stop I wish they never did this to my second home.

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I like to keep this journal fairly funny or light-hearted for the most part but I feel that something must be said, and that is that happiness is the best revenge. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life.

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